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July 10, 2005

The assn blogoclump is beginning to thump

Is it just me, or was there a significant spike in association blogoclump traffic last week? My RSS aggregator was crippling our corporate network by downloading all the recent posts from these great new (or improved) association blogs:

Shawn Z. Lea (cool name) launched a new blog called The Big Picture and Kevin Holland's The Association Blog said bye-bye to Blogger. Last week, these two seemed to be in a blogging shootout. I try to post once per day, but last week Shawn and Kevin were posting up to 2-3 times per day.

My buddy Chris Bailey has at least three blogs, and he's been posting more association content since he returned to full-time employment as a membership director last week (congrats on the new job, by the way).

Not to be outdone by Chris, Jeff De Cagna, with his many blogs, posted a few times to his Association Innovation blog. But alas, there was no Associations Unorthodox podcast last week.

Jeff and his pal Jamie Notter are collaborating on the Association Renewal Blog. Check out the blogoclump tag cloud Jeff started. Pretty entertaining stuff.

High Context, by David Gammel, CAE, was quiet last week, but between June 29th and 30th he posted four times. Not bad.

Heck, even Cecilia Sepp of Association Puzzle returned to action last week.

Keep it up, clumpers! We shall one day attain blogosphere status.

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