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August 10, 2006

A Boston Bother?

Looks like getting into and around Boston for ASAE & The Center's annual meeting is shaping up to be a real bear. First the Big Dig is in trouble. The tunnel connecting the airport and the convention center is closed for repairs (or did I read that the repairs are now complete?). And I heard on NPR tonight that Boston's Logan airport was among the destination airports targeted in the foiled terrorist attack, the British government is reporting. Lower profile cities like Nashville (host of last year's ASAE annual meeting) are now looking like pretty good places to hold meetings. I for one would really like some official communication from ASAE containing some advice and an attempt to help me set my expectations for what traveling into and around Boston will be like in light of all of this.


Anonymous said...

Make me very glad that I booked myself on Acela to go up rather than fly. 6 hours of productive train time versus who knows how long in airport security and the ensuing dehydration during flight.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I am jealous...unfortunately the train ride from Chi->Bos doesn't really make tons of sense!