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April 08, 2007

I noticed -- Thank you, ASAE

For some strange reason I hold on to printed membership directories from year to year. All of the directories I keep are replicated online: In fact the online ones are more up to date, but I can usually find stuff quicker in the paper editions because of firewalls, etc. So I actually use my paper directory from ASAE & The Center quite frequently. Because of my familiarity with the book, when the 2007 edition of the directory arrived the other day, I immediately noticed the change. Did you?

The new one (top in photo) is about 33% slimmer than the 2006 directory (bottom in photo). This is a welcome change, and I applaud ASAE & The Center for demonstrating restraint in the production of the directory by cutting the page count. I can't say for sure if they cut advertising or content to accommodate the lower number of pages, but this is a nice change. ASAE & The Center have also gone paperless with a number of conferences. The positive ecological impact of these choices compounds with each new initiative. As more businesses take these steps, we limit our negative impact on our natural resources.

Save a tree. Save oil. Recycle and drive the speed limit.


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