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June 04, 2007

The AMA's new member reception

Community Guy updates readers on his recent displeasure over the reception he has gotten from the American Marketing Association since joining about a month ago:

There's a staff there whose full-time job is helping to support and growing the marketing industry and when you accept money for membership, you have an obligation to reach out to new members/payees and make them feel like something larger than an email list.

For context, see my earlier post.

And to be clear, I have nothing bad to say about the American Marketing Association. I'm reporting on this because an influential blogger seems to think this particular association's inability to warmly welcome its new members -- well -- pretty much sucks. From my perspective, this is pretty much how a lot of associations welcome their new members, and I think that can't possibly be good for them.



Anonymous said...


Great post. I recently attended a Marketing SIG presentation at the Forum here in Chicago. I was shocked to see that none of my peers is doing any blog watching. Not a single person in attendance, other myself, has a Google alert set up to notify them when their association appears on the web.

Our members are talking and we don't even seem to care enough to listen. What can appear as arrogance, is in fact, ignorance.

I know I have said if before, but there is big change coming. Prepare and prosper. That is my plan!

Cheers - Greg

Ben Martin, CAE said...

That is scary. Both ignorance and arrogance are off-putting.