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August 06, 2007

txtmob posting instructions

Some people are experiencing difficulty posting to the backchannel. I can understand why. Here's a quick primer.

Since txtmob is an text messaging service, not an email service, all your posts to the backchannel must come via SMS, not SMTP. In the devices I've used, there are two ways to compose text messages to an email address instead of a mobile phone number:

1. Go to messages/text messaging. Select "send a text message" or "send SMS" or something like that. Compose your message (up to 110 characters) and enter in the TO: field. Send it. This might be a better option if you mostly intend to lurk on the backchannel.
2. Set up a new contact called txtmob or backchannel or something like that. Enter as the mobile phone number. Save the contact. Select the contact and choose "Send SMS" or "Send Text Message" or something like that. Compose your message (up to 110 characters) and send it. This might be a better option if you intend to post to the backchannel frequently.

Tagged: ; ; ;


David Gammel said...

Sign them too, otherwise you can't tell who they are from!

Anonymous said...

Ben, thanks for your help. Unfortunately, neither of these fixes appears to work for the Blackberry 8800.

Zach W. said...

Ben's messages aren't coming through now...

Zach W. said...

Here's the list history too:

Ben Martin, CAE said...

Sorry for the trouble y'all are having. I'm between cell phones right now, so I'll let you know how I make out as soon as I get back on the grid.

Anonymous said...

My blackberry won't let me put text in a phone number field - so I can only post via the txtmob website but I will otherwise be lurking!

Anonymous said...

OK so I figured out I can "reply" - but I can't delete the post I am replying to, so apologies in advance.