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May 03, 2006

Intentionally irking your members?

Interesting experiment, but I don't think I would have allowed something like this at one of our association's meetings:

We did an interesting experiment earlier this week, during the Virginia Society of Healthcare Marketing and Public Relation's Spring Conference. Many times we talk about the importance of creating a great experience at every touch points [sic] and we decided to do something that could really illustrate that point... We had two check-in desks for attendees, one at the front with two people who couldn't care less that you were there. They were reading newspapers, eating and their desk was just a mess. They barely even noticed when you walked up to the desk. And, if you actually did walk up to the desk, they couldn't really help you with anything. The two folks at this desk were actually having a hard time being so rude to people that they know and work with!

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