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June 07, 2005

Banff Centre -- Days 2 & 3

It's been an extremely long, busy and exhausting 2 days. The learning style is so refreshing, though. There is very little in the way of lecture and quite a lot of experiential and peer-to-peer learning. The Banff Centre is known for using art as metaphor in their classes to drive home the principles of leadership. It's a very exciting way to learn. The atmosphere of exploration makes me feel like I personally discovered every realization I have. We all joined smaller learning groups and we share our experiences and conclusions. This has been very worthwhile.

Somehow the course elements seem very disparate and unrelated. I'm wondering if they'll eventually come together somehow. There have been times when a leadership skill has been demonstrated in the course of one of the experiential learning exercises, but the instructors don't stop to point it out. Perhaps this is by design. The summarization of themes doesn't seem to be in the plan. Instead they allow the participants to draw their own connections and conclusions.

Nonetheless, I'm learning a tremendous amount about leadership principles, myself, my leadership strengths and my leadership weaknesses. Putting this knowledge to use upon returning to my home and office is something I'm really looking forward to.

On the weather front, unfortunately it's been cold and rainy since Sunday with no break until Thursday. This wet spell is uncommon for this area of Canada. I still haven't seen the highest peaks around Banff, and perhaps won't because of the cloud cover. Perhaps a good excuse to come back???

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