Caution! There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this post.
First, thank you to everyone who has been emailing, tweeting, super-poking, commenting, calling and otherwise offering their congratulations for being featured on the cover of the December Associations Now magazine. I'm simultaneously flattered and embarrassed by all the attention. It's just all so weird and surreal. Major kudos to the other association professionals featured: My friends Sara Miller, CAE and Betsy Boyd-Flynn, my photo-shoot acquaintance, Prabhash Shrestha, and Diane Barrera, who I've never met, but hope to meet some day. Two funny things about the cover: It is totally photoshopped together. Sarah, far right, Prabhash and I did the photo shoot together last month. Sarah was at center and Prabhash and I were in the positions that we appear in on the cover. Diane did her shoot in Chicago, and Betsy did hers in Oregon. Also, about a month ago I dropped off my wedding ring to get re-sized, and my wife was all concerned that it wouldn't be in the photo. I thought there was no way my left hand would be in the shot, but lo and behold, there I am with a naked left ring finger.
Along these lines, the CAE exam is this Friday! Good luck to everyone who will be taking the exam. I hope you've found my 13 tips helpful, and, I'd encourage you to read the last few posts I made to the blog before taking the exam, as well as the post made immediately afterwards as well as this one made almost a month after I took the exam in 2004. Maybe it'll help you put things into perspective.
Finally, I'm very bummed that I won't be able to attend the Great Ideas Conference. Despite the appearance of my ring finger in the photo above, I actually have been happily married for ten years, and we're celebrating our anniversary in Cancun starting this weekend. Whether you're going to the GIC or not, sign up for the backchannel, set up by Dave Sabol. To join, just text the following message to 35350: connect GIC07 pwd123
So, were you getting hit on SO MUCH after that cover? Just wondering. For real, congrats. I am guessing Maddie and I will be there next year :)
I too can't be at great ideas, but everyone be sure to say hi to Shana and Rachel, my two staffers that do get to go.
No more than usual, Matt! :-D
Ben -- You look great. I think that it is great you are on the cover. Tony
Thanks, Tony.
Hey Ben! Fantastic mate... congrats and well deserved... you rock!
Ben, this is quite an achievement. I wanted to congratulate you here before I embarrass you over on the blog.
The photo shoot looks like it went very well, and the article is great.
I think I can safely speak for my fellow Virginia REALTORS when I say that we are proud to have you as one of our association executives. You are doing a heck of a job, an representing the ASAE well. Keep it up!
Great Cover and great article congrats!
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